Friday, November 15, 2013

Fat Grafting Explained

Fat grafting is a safe and common treatment used to augment sunken areas in the face with your own fat cells. Compared to dermal filler injections, it is longer-lasting and more cost-effective especially for large volume areas.

Fat is typically extracted from a person's buttocks, abdomen, thigh and injected into the desired areas of the face. The injected fat will be partially absorbed in the first three weeks post-surgery and this absorption normally continues for 3 months after. Any unabsorbed fat will remain permanently in the new areas.

Procedure Details

Operation duration: 1hr 30 min ~ 2hrs

Anesthesia required: Topical and sleep

Recovery time: 5~7 days (no pain. Swelling will be gone as time goes)

Stitch out: 7 ~ 10 days later

Hospitalization: Not required

Approximate fees: $2,670 ~ 3,120 USD

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